Top 5 Essential Oils for Yang Constitutions

Hello my dashing readers!

On my last blog post, I wrote about my top 5 essential oils for Yin constitution types. Now I will be sharing with you my favorites for Yang constitution types. Yang in traditional Chinese medicine means masculine, hot, sun, expanding, dry and the color black. As you would expect, the complete opposite of Yin is feminine, cold, moon, contracting and wet. There are many more characteristics of both, but these are the fundamental basics. So you’ll notice that many of these essential oils are favorites among male users.

  1. Melaleuca provides cooling relief for hot, itchy skin conditions. It’s also a great natural alternative for minimizing acne than its chemical cousin benzoyl peroxide. Red and inflamed skin conditions are classic manifestations of excessive heat expanding up and out, and thus appears on the skin.
  2. Lemon is very moistening and cooling, perfect for the hot and dry qualities of Yang constitution types. It’s refreshingly clean scent will definitely be delightful in a cup of water. Add real lemon juice for extra cooling hydration.
  3. Peppermint is a great one for Yang types, especially during the summer. Use this on areas that sweat most for instant and lasting freshness, just be sure to dilute since this can cause skin sensitivity, especially for Yang constitution types. This essential oil is also fantastic internally for fiery digestive issues like diarrhea.
  4. Juniper Berry supports healthy kidney function which are responsible for all the water production in the body. Water is super important for balancing Yang constitutions because it helps to regulate heat. This essential oil also works especially well for people with blue eyes and for skin.
  5. White Fir are coniferous trees that grow in cold, snowy regions. It’s quite easy to see how Yang constitution types would enjoy a region like this because it balances excessive heat. Excess heat is also known to make you feel lethargic, on the contrary, white fir helps to empower you and boost energy.

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Top 5 Essential Oils for Yin Constitutions

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Ni hao lovely readers!

I have a deep admiration for Chinese medicine since living here in China. To me it feels almost like a lifestyle than a course of treatment, however it is great for that as well. Yin and Yang are at the core principles of Chinese medicine. Yin Constitution means feminine, moon, night, cold, wet and the color white. That is to put it simply, because Yin consists of much more.  And just like eye color, certain essential oils are more appropriate than others based on their bodily constitution. So here are my top 5 favorite essential oils for Yin constitution types based on traditional Chinese medicine.

Geranium is a dry essential oil which is why it works nicely for this constitution. It can help to draw out of dampness. An example of excess moisture is when the skin feels cold and moist, even during the summer months. This essential oil is also known as “the poor man’s rose” because of it’s resemblance to rose, however much more agreeable to the wallet, of which floral oils are generally very balancing to feminine needs.

Ginger is the holy grail for Yin imbalances in TCM. Ginger is heaty and sweet, so it balances inner coldness of Yin types. It’s especially useful during the lunar cycle for alleviating abdominal cramps. This oil should be diluted on the skin with heavier carrier oils like grapeseed or olive oil due to ginger’s spicy nature. One drop of ginger oil in a cup of hot molasses tea can also help to boost body temperature.

Myrrh has hot, dry, smoky properties which again, helps to balance excess cold and moisture that Yin types can have imbalances with. When the humidity is high and skin feels cool and moist to the touch, blending myrrh essential oil with a light oil makes a delightfully light moisturizer. It’s also a very important essential oil for tonifying the liver, which the liver is responsible for metabolizing hormones.

Cinnamon is another warming oil with immune boosting properties to help protect from seasonal threats during the most vulnerable time for Yin types, winter. People with cold constitutions can suffer from stagnation of many types, and cinnamon oil assists with blood circulation.

Lavender’s light and powdery aroma can definitely balance cold and dampness of Yin types, especially during rainy seasons. Those with Yn imbalance can experience heavy water retention in the joints and face. Yin types also have a tendency to have high energy and high anxiety. Lavender is brilliant for calming anxiety.

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Have a great day my friends!


Essential Oils for Your Eye Type

Hello readers!

Essential oils are safe for everyone, however some essential oils may be more effective for some people than others. Looking at eye color can be a great first step in choosing that perfect essential oil that will work best for you. Liz Fultcher from the Aromatic Wisdom podcast spoke in great detail about the essential oils best suited for specific eye colors, which is today’s blog post inspiration. She also explained how the color of your eyes can be a good marker for genetic health propensities which could be the main reason why certain essential oils work best for some than others.  Enjoy 🙂

86th Annual Academy Awards - Arrivals
Leonardo Dicaprio has blue eyes, which would make him a lymphatic genotype.

Blue eyes are called lymphatic genotypes which means that water elements are going to be a concern. Those with blue eyes could have propensities related to Kapha (Earth/Water) and Yin (Cold/Wet) constitutions. They tend to suffer from skin, respiratory, kidney, adrenal and allergy issues. This is why many water-related essential oils are beneficial for those with blue eyes such as bergamot, grapefruit and juniper berry. They also tend to be very symptomatic, meaning their symptoms tend to be very obvious, but slow and steady in progression. These essential oils are very beneficial for blue eyes.

  • Peppermint
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lavender
  • Bergamot
  • Grapefruit
  • Juniper Berry
  • Frankincense
  • Sandalwood
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Natalie Portman and I both have brown eyes which make us both hematogenic genotypes.

Brown eyes are called hematogenic genotype, meaning their genetic propensities tend to be blood and circulatory system related. Their most common health issues are mineral deficiencies, liver, gallbladder, hormones and digestive system. Geranium is especially useful for liver and colon related health concerns. Unlike those with blue eyes, they tend to suffer symptoms spontaneously from one minute to the next. One minute they can be perfectly fine, the next, they can be boiled over in pain. Common symptoms of this genotype would be constipation, cramps, anemia and varicose veins. The essential oils below would be the most beneficial for brown eyes.

  • Black Pepper
  • Ginger
  • Rosemary 
  • Cypress
  • Geranium
  • Cedarwood 
  • Vetiver
  • Wild Orange
Stacey Dash
Stacey Dash has beautiful mixed eyes which means she has a biliary genotype.

Mixed eyes are called biliary genotype. Biliary eyes are very unique because they have the strengths and weaknesses of both blue and brown eyes. Their health propensities include liver, gallbladder and varicose veins just like brown eyes, but also pancreas, bile production and insulin related issues. Coriander essential oil is known for stabilizing insulin levels. The essential oils below are very beneficial for mixed colored eyes.

  • Ylang Ylang
  • Geranium 
  • Lemon
  • Juniper Berry
  • Coriander
  • Fennel
  • Eucalyptus
  • Cinnamon

See you next time beauties!